Have you ever heard about shamanism, or is this your first time?
If this is your first time, then sit back and relax as we uncover amazing facts about shamanism, and if this is not your first time, still sit back and relax because you are going to learn something new.
Shamanism is a spiritual practice found in cultures worldwide from ancient times up to the present day. First and foremost, shamans’ techniques are practical and adaptable. These practices coexist over millennia with varying cultures, systems of government, and organized religious practices. This brings in the idea that what you do affects another person because we are all connected.
Our guest today is Durek, a sixth-generation shaman. He defines shamanism as the art of creating a relationship with the authenticity of the connection between people, animals, nature, your community, your body, the foods you eat, your ancestors, and how you conduct your life is to be held in honor, that the more you are creating change for yourself, you are creating change for the planet. So the idea is not to use fear or lack or limitation or scarcity or to beat up on yourself to make a change, but you are actually using love and kindness and generosity and softness and being a nurturer or to yourself, and the more you nurture yourself, the more you nurture humanity because we are all a part of each other.
What we have to understand is that shamanism is about creating an understanding of community-based on anthropology, sociology, understanding mental health, understanding human ecology, and really making a systemic relationship to each other that takes away the hierarchy of life and allows us to be collectively resourcing, as a beautiful planet that, that shares knowledge and information so that we can thrive in our species. If you take a closer look at it, shamanism is not just about spells and herbs; it goes beyond that even though spells and herbs are used when necessary, this is not the core of shamanism.
You might begin to ask yourself, then what about science? Shamanism has been around for a long time, and according to Durek, the only difference is that there was a point in evolution where science decided to move away from the connection of the heart and start putting all the attention on the mind. So when they did that, they began to create all their theories and practices based on the brain being the function that controls the body, but it’s not possible because the brain is a polarity organ. The brain’s primary function is to keep things functioning and fix things that are not working. This means that when people make decisions from their brain; they have to realize that the only way they’re getting the decisions made is based on the things they’ve learned, but then the heart is not a polarity organ; it is a quantum organ.
The significant difference between the brain and heart is that your brain thinks based on what you learned and what you gathered through reading, school, friends, movies, television, etc. In contrast, the heart sees what’s right for you, so while the brain tries to fix things up, the heart, in turn, wants to be able to give you the best life ever.
There is so much to get from this episode, so to learn more about fear, trauma, safety, and also, very interestingly, how shaman Durek predicted the pandemic, Go on your favorite platform and check this episode out.
Shaman Durek
Not Basic Blonde