Every year on April 22 people from all over come together working towards the common goal, saving our planet. Some people just dedicate a day for the cause while others dedicate a weekend, a year, even a lifetime to help make the world just a little bit better and cleaner for generations to come.
It started in 1970 when all across the U.S millions of people came together to bring awareness of a very important cause impacting the environment and everyone’s lives living in it. 51 years later we are still celebrating what we can all do to help mother earth and celebrate Earth Day. There are many changes you can make to your daily routine that you will even find me practicing on a regular basis.
So how do you start to save the environment?
Plant a tree.
-Johnny Appleseed had the right idea and simply by planting seeds, he changed the world for years to come not only feeding many but improving the air with trees that release oxygen which turns into energy through a process called photosynthesis.
-Recycling saves natural resources as well as helps with climate change and by minimizing what’s thrown into landfills.
Shut lights off.
-An easy way to help mother earth is to remember to turn off lights when you’re not in a room or if you won’t be home.
Don’t let your car run.
-Idling your car releases harmful toxins and pollutants into the air which affects our health and the ozone.
Save water.
-Not only will your water bill be lower, but you’ll also be diverting less water from our water resources.
Get rid of water bottles.
-Reduce your carbon footprint by using a reusable bottle rather than a new plastic bottle every time you want a drink. Even better? There are so many looks and styles to choose from, you’re able to show off your style!
Invest in a water filter.
-Whether attached to your sink’s faucet or by using a filtered pitcher, you can skip buying jugs and bottles of water, when you can easily get crisp, delicious, refreshing water from the tap.
Invest in reusable totes.
-For less than a dollar, most department and grocery stores offer reusable totes in many colors, styles, and designs to help prevent numerous plastic bags from being wasted and thrown into landfills. Keep in the car for a visual reminder.
Reuse plastic bags.
-There are times when we may not have our reusable totes with us, so anytime you’re stuck with numerous plastic bags use them for other purposes such as trash bags, picking up after your pet, and many stores will even recycle them for you.
Cut plastic pack rings from packaging.
-Whether you purchased a pack of beer or cans of sparkling water, those plastic rings that hold the cans together when thrown out whole, can harm our wildlife. Next time, cut each circle so no more wildlife gets stuck and even dies.
Purchase recycled products.
-Are you in the market for a new shirt? A new pair of shoes? What about a birthday card? Nowadays in this earth-friendly world, you can find numerous brands that sell only 100% recyclable items. If you’re looking for it, there’s probably a recyclable only company selling it.
Turn off your electronics.
-When you’re done working on your computer or laptop for the day, take a second and shut it down. Turning off electronics including your tv when not in use will help you save a bit on your electric bill as well as help save electricity.
Use fluorescent bulbs.
-A great way to save on electricity, purchasing fluorescent bulbs will help save you up to 75% less electricity than those incandescent bulbs as well as last much longer!
Print on both sides of the paper.
-Set your printer default setting to double-sided and skip on printing multiple pages and use them both.
Reuse gift bags.
-Designate a drawer or an area on a shelf to keep gift bags, tissue paper, and even colorful bows that have been gifted to you. Don’t waste them when you can easily regift!
Take shorter showers.
-For many, this could be a tough one but taking shorter showers will not only save on water but it will also cut your electric bill as it uses less electricity to heat the water.
Organize beach cleanups.
Make it fun and after a morning of cleaning up the beach, have everyone bring a beach chair and together enjoy the salty air and catch some rays.
Adopt a highway.
Driving around at one point or another you’ve probably seen signs to adopt a highway, and what better way to keep the environment clean than keeping your own little piece of highway green with all your friends!
Throw a swap party!
Do you have lots of handbags, shoes, clothes, even jewelry you want to get rid of? Why buy new when you and your friends can get together with some tables and BYOB (Bring your own bag of goods). What a great way to find some great new pieces that previously had a loving home from someone you know. Add some good music, delicious food, and some tasty wine and make an evening out of it. Plus you may even come out with a new wardrobe!
This pandemic has shown us that we’ve taken our Mother Earth for granted, and we all had to hit a huge pause.
What I’ve learned is that I will never take another vacation for granted, and enjoy every little thing I see.
The ocean, the sand, fresh breeze.
This Earth Day I’m challenging you to take action, not just for one day a year, but a lifetime.
Big or small, every little bit helps!
What contribution will you be making this year?