At first I was hesitant to start a podcast, but I’m so glad I did! Not only has it had a great impact on my own life but from the feedback I’m getting from listeners, it’s having an impact on your lives as well. This makes me so happy!
Regarding 5 things I’ve learned from my podcast:
5 Things I’ve Learned From My Podcast
1) How to Love yourself!
Buy Yourself The F***cking Lilies — Major Wake up Call with Tara Schuster, Writer, Vice President of Comedy CentralThis episode is a major wake up call! My guest is Tara Schuster https://instagram.com/taraschuster?igshid=1xwcagy0297ir and we discuss a wide range of ways to care for yourself. Some of these are becoming a ‘ninja of self-love’, pulling yourself out of a cycle of negativity, stopping the constant self-doubt, picking yourself up when going through a tough time, identifying (and changing!) self-limiting beliefs and so much more! If you’ve ever struggled with insecurity or a lack of faith in your own abilities (and who of us HASN’T ever struggled with this?!) then you are in for a breath of fresh air with this episode. Take heart .. you really can become your own best ally! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/notbasicblonde-podcast/id1481923892?i=1000472844652

2) How to become a Super Attractor
Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams with Gabby BernsteinIn this episode, my guest Gabby Bernstein
https://instagram.com/gabbybernstein?igshid=12dkyhqdeep4b and I talk about manifestation: how to increase the happiness quotient in your life, the importance of the #blacklivesmatter movement, how the universe really does have your back, becoming a ‘Super Attractor’ for the things you want out of life, the many benefits of meditation as well as spiritual tools to help relieve anxiety. This is a must-listen episode for anyone who’s struggled with how to break out of negativity and instead, learn to live in the laws of attraction.

3) What to Do when you feel stuck in your life?!
Today I’m talking with Dean Graziosi https://instagram.com/deangraziosi?igshid=pilisqg23yez. We discuss what to do when you feel stuck in your career, success habits of millionaires, how to grow your wealth, where to invest for the highest rate of return, turning your ideas into reality, how to believe in yourself when it feels no one else does and the age-old question, ‘Can money buy happiness?’ If you need some help getting unstuck, whether it’s a deadend career, finances that seem eternally stalled or learning how to be your own cheerleader, you will definitely enjoy this episode!

4) Was This Pandemic Predicted by The Stars?
What Will Happen In The Rest of 2020? – Meet Celeb & Pop Culture Astrologer Kyle Thomas
This episode is epic! My guest is Kyle Thomas https://instagram.com/mrkylethomas?igshid=1l15kgxdqej2x Buckle up because he shares so much useful and fascinating information! He addresses wide-ranging questions such as, ‘Was this pandemic predicted by the stars?’, ‘What things should we be aware of in July, horoscopes for August and what should we expect from the rest of 2020?’, ‘Will travel restrictions be lifted?’, ‘When will we have a vaccine for Covid-19?’, ‘Should we expect any natural disasters in 2020?’, and so much more! This episode is full of so much information you don’t want to miss out on! So pull up a comfortable chair, grab a glass of wine and get ready for a wild ride!

5) How To Heal Your Body
Through Proper Nutrition – with Serena Poon, Celebrity Chef & Nutritionist, Reiki Master, Speaker, and CoachIn this episode I talk with the multi-talented Serena Poon https:/instagram.com/chefserenapoonigshid=3lxd88rjhyjf. Serena is a celebrity chef & nutritionist, a Reiki master, and a speaker & coach. Today she shares her experience working as chef for Hugh Hefner, her bout with COVID-19 as well as her recovery, what we should know about the healing power of crystals, how to use your own power to help yourself in a difficult situation and how to heal your body through proper nutrition. We also have a great discussion on how to go about setting powerful intentions for yourself, aspects of self-affirmation and how to protect yourself against negative energy. We talk about so many important concepts you won’t want to miss a minute!